Building it, one commit at a time
Its taken me forever to create a website, mostly because I didn’t like all of the platforms out there. Alas, I’ve found one I can call my own.
As you might have noticed, this small site of mine is ‘live and kicking and
I’d like to think that it was built on solid foundations, using
Jekyll as the static website generator of choice
and hosted enthusiastically on GitHub Pages.
It’s an awesome combination and I recommend it to anyone that’s in search for a simple, yet effective way to get themselves on the binary encoded fields of the Internet.
While it’s simplicity requires sites to be static (which is a good thing!), dynamic content can be side-loaded via JavaScript or some other means, which means there’s no need to cry for the loss of comments or search. I’ll address the latter in some future post with a bit of a twist of my own.
Bringing the pieces together, I used the code from, borrowing heavily from his styling and layout (eventually I’ll give it a dash of uniqueness). I really liked the more subtle theme of it and the way it nicely scales to mobile devices. You can find Rasmus’s brilliant work here.
In case someone wants to dig into the code on which this site is run, which is a distilled and simplified version of the previous code, you can find the base code without my posts right here.
Happy coding